The Latest News and Notices
The first meeting of the Canto Community Choir took take place yesterday evening (Tue 17 Sep)
Forty-six people attended the launch of the choir in Butlerstown Community Centre yesterday evening (Tuesday 17 September). Most folk brought along their printed music sheets and were supplied with a folder that allows you to write notes on the sheet music.
Choirmaster Denis O'Regan was blown away by the great sound the choir made and the talent of how quickly members were learning new songs.
On a practical note members are asked to take a look at the map which shows the best places to park (and not park)
More Members
At least eight apologies were received of members that couldn't make the first meeting. So more folders have been ordered!
When is the Next Meeting?
Next meeting is on Tuesday 24 September so if you would like to come and have a go...
The Results are in
45 people took part in the survey to help choose a Day, Time and Frequency
Here are the results:
Tuesday was the preferred day of the week.
(Many people who preferred other days said they could also make a Tuesday)
7:30pm to 9:00pm was the preferred time.
And most people preferred to meet Once a Week.